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A Trade Member of NOREXECO is allowed to trade directly in the Electronic Trading System (ETS) or via the NOREXECO Market Service Desk. A Trade Member is also allowed to be participant in Block Trades in NOREXECO Products.

In order to become a Trade Member, the applicant must comply with the membership criteria of NOREXECO, have an agreement with a clearingbank at ECC and be approved as a Trading Participant by ECC, the clearing house partner of NOREXECO.

NOREXECO and ECC have aligned the two application processes which have to be quite formal due to regulatory requirements. A membership application consists of some required information and agreements such as:

Application forms to become a Trade Member of NOREXECO and Approved Trading Participant of ECC
A filled in ECC ‘know your customer‘ (KYC) form
Financial statements for three years
Disclosure of ownership
Once you want to explore the benefits of being a trade member, or apply for membership, please contact NOREXECO and we will guide you through the process. If you want to learn more take a look at our introduction document.

Click here for Trade Members at NOREXECO.