Norexeco Logo

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance

In NOREXECO’s Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) values, we aim for a high level of social and environmental business practices. We aim to support the industry towards sustainable production of pulp and paper by offering price transparency and the opportunity to hedge unwanted risk.  We are committed to uphold the highest level of integrity and avoid becoming complicit in unethical and illegal behavior.  NOREXECO supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We have identified SDGs where we believe we can have the most impact. The goals are aligned with key performance indicators, targets, and goals for our business.

The Transparency Act (‘Åpenhetsloven’) is a new Norwegian law that took effect 1st of July 2022. The Act requires companies to ensure human rights and decent working conditions are respected in all supply chains. You can find NOREXECO’s first report here (in Norwegian).